
Children’s Choruses

Members of Children’s Chorus of Carroll County are placed in groups, based primarily on age. The goal is to ensure the highest level of conceptual learning and socialization, culminating in fine  performances. Sometimes these various groups will sing and rehearse apart, while at certain concerts they may be combined to perform together in the joint Chorus. Auditions for the following year’s choral season are held annually each May, although younger groups may not require an audition. Selections are made by the current directors. The tiered age brackets have the added benefit of enabling our members to grow with CCCC, maturing in both age and vocal ability.

Our choral groups are as follows:

Small Group Criteria

On occasion, we may have to limit the number of singers involved in a certain performance. At the discretion of the director, selection of the small group participants may depend on specific voice requirements, the balance of parts, and the Chorus member’s longevity with and attendance record in the Chorus.

Student Internship

After a minimum of 2 years in the Chorus, Bel Canto members who have demonstrated exceptional musical ability and dedication may qualify for a position as a student intern. This position assists directors and instructors in rehearsals and performances. This internship is an excellent opportunity to involve them in the musical, interpersonal and organizational aspects of a Chorus, to expand their knowledge base, and to show a well-earned asset on one’s college application. We provide this opportunity helping exceptional Chorus members to grow even more extraordinary and as part of our overall aim to serve and perpetuate the greater picture of the children’s chorus movement in our country. Any member who is interested in an internship should contact us for more information.

Travel Chorus Voce ViaggioVoce Viaggio

This select group of Bel Canto singers serves as ambassadors for the entire Chorus.   A more rigorous rehearsal and performance schedule combined with a wide musical spectrum offers Voce Viaggio members an expanded choral experience.

Need more help deciding on a children’s chorus?

Explore the many benefits of involving your child in a choral education, and find out how to join us.