High Notes, High Marks
Each spring, the Cantare Bel Canto joint chorus participates in an adjudicated event. Some years they have participated in other competitions as well. Our hard work, talent, and dedication has led the Children’s Chorus of Carroll County to win many awards and achievements over the years.
- In May of 2003 they were awarded a Superior Rating at the Paramount King’s Dominion Choral Festival.
- In May of 2004, the Bel Cantos went to Philadelphia to participate in the Heritage Children’s Choir Festival, receiving an adjudication rating of Excellent.
- May of 2005 found the group in once again in New York City, participating in the “Music Maestro, Please” festival where they earned a Superior rating.
- In April 2006, the Bel Cantos went to Six Flags America in Washington, DC and earned two trophies: one for a Superior Performance and one for Best in Category.
- In 2007 they received an Excellent rating in Music in the Parks at Busch Gardens, VA.
- The choir earned a Superior rating and “Outstanding Festival Choir” at the 2008 Music in the Parks at Hershey Park.
- In New York’s 2009 and 2011 Heritage Festivals, they earned Gold Awards, earning the privilege of participating in the Gold Festival in Chicago in 2010. In March 2009, the BCs joined the Maryland State Boy Choir and the Annapolis Children’s Chorus in Young Voices of Maryland, a one day festival culminating in a stellar evening concert.
- The Chicago Heritage Festival was the destination in May 2010, where, once again, they received an outstanding rating and had a fabulous time.
- In 2011, the choir received a Superior rating and the Esprit De Corps Award at Music in the Parks at Hershey Park.
- In 2012, they participated in the Heritage Festival in New York City and earned an Excellent rating at the adjudication.
- In the spring of 2013, they captured the coveted Superior rating and Best of Contest at Music in the Parks at Hershey Park. Also in 2013, the BCs appeared with “Bach in Baltimore” under the direction of Maestro T. Herbert Dimmock.
- At Heritage Festival in Philadelphia in May of 2014, they earned a Gold rating and the highest scores in the adjudications.
- In May of 2016, they captured another Superior rating and Best of Contest at Music in the Parks at Hershey Park.
- In June of 2017, the BCs traveled to New Orleans to participate in the Crescent City Music Festival. The chorus joined many choirs from across the US to perform in the St. Louis Cathedral, learn about the culture, and even took a cooking class!
- In May of 2018, the BCs won Superior rating and earned 98/100 during Fiesta-val in Williamsburg, VA. The students celebrated their winnings at the Great Wolf Lodge and Busch Gardens.
- May of 2019, BCs were honored to be included as the featured Children’s Choir in Bach in Baltimore’s “Mass of the Children” by John Rutter in Columbia, MD.
- Summer of 2020, a handful of children were going to perform in Ireland with Rollo Dilworth during a Summer Festival, but this has been postponed to the Summer of 2021 due to COVID-19.